Jianguo was also a voracious reader and a brilliant go player 建国不仅阅读量极大,并且是一名出色的围棋手。
Today , of course , all professional go players and many strong amateurs can do the same 从弈到围棋现代人说弈,包括围棋象棋军棋等等一切棋类。
The program only is allowed to learn from strong go players - in the form of game records 程序只允许从强大的围棋选手那里学习指的是各种围棋棋谱记录。
Chelsea chief executive peter kenyon has today ( friday ) spoken about jose mourinho ' s future and on - going player contract negotiations 切尔西执行总裁彼得肯扬在今天(周五)谈及到何塞穆里尼奥的将来和持续进行的球员续约协议。
A go player named osan gained historical immortality for his amazing ability to replay entire games consisting of anywhre from 150 to more than 300 moves from memory , move for move 很容易了解到,围棋在我国春秋战国时期,已经广为流行,甚至出现了诸侯列国都知道的围棋高手。